Dynamics 365 Plugin development
This course is a must to have course for any Dynamics 365 developer who want to sharpen his development skills by learning how to develop Plugins. .Plugins are the most important and commonly used way of developing custom login in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement(CRM), so every developer should have this skill
.This course focus on the topics from the very basics of plugin till the plugin debugging
Best practices for on-premise plug-in development,This section includes best practices specific to on-premise plug-in development..Don't depend on references to variables passed into plug-ins In an on-premises environment where a full trust plug-ins are executed within the same app domain, don't expect that a variable that refers to data included in the plug-in context will maintain a reference to the object
When data is passed into the event pipeline, the data is serialized and de-serialized to create a new object instances. .The object instances do not refer to the same memory address. Any changes to the object in the plug-in execution pipeline will not be reflected in an object instance that was passed into an operation in the pipeline
For example, if you define a QueryExpression that is included in a RetrieveMultipleRequest, if there is any code within a plug-in that changes the QueryExpression, that change will not occur on the original QueryExpression instance variable that was passed with the RetrieveMultiple request. Within the pipeline, the QueryExpression object properties may be updated in the process of retrieving the data. .For example, the QueryExpression.PageInfo property will be updated as a part of executing the query. You will not be able to detect these changes by examining the original QueryExpression variable that was used with the RetrieveMultipleRequest